"Weisamian Draft · Health and Health" international institutions call for alert to extreme high temperature and fatal threat

[Xinhua News Agency Weisu] The Red Cross and the Red Crescent Association International Federation and other institutions said on the 28th that as global climate warms, extreme high temperature becomes a fatal factor, but people often do not be as vigilant as high temperatures as hurricanes and floods.threaten.As summer approaches, the country, organization, and individuals should pay attention to preventing the threat of life on life.
According to Agence France -Presse, the Red Cross and the Red Crescent International Federation and the US International Development Agency reminded people to pay attention to the “invisible killer” of extreme high temperature at an online meeting on the 28th.”The Red Cross and the Secretary -General of the International Federation of the Red Crescent Association, Jia Gang Chapagan, said:” We call on governments, civilians, young people, and all stakeholders to take specific measures to help various countries and communities in response to cope withPrepare extreme high temperature. “
According to the US International Development Agency Director Sammana Ball, the number of deaths in the United States has exceeded the “total number of deaths, floods, and tornadies.”John Podstar, a special envoy of the US Presidential Climate, said that it is estimated that more than 60,000 people in Europe died of heat waves in 2022.
“Meteorological information and meteorological services, including early warning systems, help save life and protect property,” said Podista, “but one -third of the world’s population cannot obtain such information.”
A annual report of the World Meteorological Organization last November pointed out that in all extreme weather, the highest mortality rate caused by extreme high temperatures.From 2000 to 2019, it is estimated that the number of people in the world is about 489,000 due to high temperatures.In addition, the heat wave further exacerbates air pollution, and the accompanying problems such as extreme drought have also exacerbated the risk of unsafe grain and a variety of infectious diseases that are sensitive to the climate, such as dengue fever and malaria.
In recent years, many organizations and groups have taken action to fund the installation of air -conditioning and double -layer windows in schools and other places, as well as more attention to greening in some areas to slow down the impact of heat wave invasion.(End) (Yang Shuyi)